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U+0600؀11011000 10000000hinzufügen؀؀ ARABIC NUMBER SIGN
U+0601؁11011000 10000001hinzufügen؁؁ ARABIC SIGN SANAH
U+0602؂11011000 10000010hinzufügen؂؂ ARABIC FOOTNOTE MARKER
U+0603؃11011000 10000011hinzufügen؃؃ ARABIC SIGN SAFHA
U+0604؄11011000 10000100hinzufügen؄؄ ARABIC SIGN SAMVAT
U+0605؅11011000 10000101hinzufügen؅؅ ARABIC NUMBER MARK ABOVE
U+0606؆11011000 10000110hinzufügen؆؆ ARABIC-INDIC CUBE ROOT
U+0607؇11011000 10000111hinzufügen؇؇ ARABIC-INDIC FOURTH ROOT
U+0608؈11011000 10001000hinzufügen؈؈ ARABIC RAY
U+0609؉11011000 10001001hinzufügen؉؉ ARABIC-INDIC PER MILLE SIGN
U+060A؊11011000 10001010hinzufügen؊؊ ARABIC-INDIC PER TEN THOUSAND SIGN
U+060B؋11011000 10001011hinzufügen؋؋ AFGHANI SIGN
U+060C،11011000 10001100hinzufügen،، ARABIC COMMA
U+060D؍11011000 10001101hinzufügen؍؍ ARABIC DATE SEPARATOR
U+060E؎11011000 10001110hinzufügen؎؎ ARABIC POETIC VERSE SIGN
U+060F؏11011000 10001111hinzufügen؏؏ ARABIC SIGN MISRA
U+0610ؐ11011000 10010000hinzufügenؐؐ ARABIC SIGN SALLALLAHOU ALAYHE WASSALLAM
U+0611ؑ11011000 10010001hinzufügenؑؑ ARABIC SIGN ALAYHE ASSALLAM
U+0612ؒ11011000 10010010hinzufügenؒؒ ARABIC SIGN RAHMATULLAH ALAYHE
U+0613ؓ11011000 10010011hinzufügenؓؓ ARABIC SIGN RADI ALLAHOU ANHU
U+0614ؔ11011000 10010100hinzufügenؔؔ ARABIC SIGN TAKHALLUS
U+0615ؕ11011000 10010101hinzufügenؕؕ ARABIC SMALL HIGH TAH
U+0616ؖ11011000 10010110hinzufügenؖؖ ARABIC SMALL HIGH LIGATURE ALEF WITH LAM WITH YEH
U+0617ؗ11011000 10010111hinzufügenؗؗ ARABIC SMALL HIGH ZAIN
U+0618ؘ11011000 10011000hinzufügenؘؘ ARABIC SMALL FATHA
U+0619ؙ11011000 10011001hinzufügenؙؙ ARABIC SMALL DAMMA
U+061Aؚ11011000 10011010hinzufügenؚؚ ARABIC SMALL KASRA
U+061B؛11011000 10011011hinzufügen؛؛ ARABIC SEMICOLON
U+061C؜11011000 10011100hinzufügen؜؜ ARABIC LETTER MARK
U+061D؝11011000 10011101hinzufügen؝؝ ARABIC END OF TEXT MARK
U+061E؞11011000 10011110hinzufügen؞؞ ARABIC TRIPLE DOT PUNCTUATION MARK
U+061F؟11011000 10011111hinzufügen؟؟ ARABIC QUESTION MARK
U+0620ؠ11011000 10100000hinzufügenؠؠ ARABIC LETTER KASHMIRI YEH
U+0621ء11011000 10100001hinzufügenءء ARABIC LETTER HAMZA
U+0622آ11011000 10100010hinzufügenآآ ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH MADDA ABOVE
U+0623أ11011000 10100011hinzufügenأأ ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH HAMZA ABOVE
U+0624ؤ11011000 10100100hinzufügenؤؤ ARABIC LETTER WAW WITH HAMZA ABOVE
U+0625إ11011000 10100101hinzufügenإإ ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH HAMZA BELOW
U+0626ئ11011000 10100110hinzufügenئئ ARABIC LETTER YEH WITH HAMZA ABOVE
U+0627ا11011000 10100111hinzufügenاا ARABIC LETTER ALEF
U+0628ب11011000 10101000hinzufügenبب ARABIC LETTER BEH
U+0629ة11011000 10101001hinzufügenةة ARABIC LETTER TEH MARBUTA
U+062Aت11011000 10101010hinzufügenتت ARABIC LETTER TEH
U+062Bث11011000 10101011hinzufügenثث ARABIC LETTER THEH
U+062Cج11011000 10101100hinzufügenجج ARABIC LETTER JEEM
U+062Dح11011000 10101101hinzufügenحح ARABIC LETTER HAH
U+062Eخ11011000 10101110hinzufügenخخ ARABIC LETTER KHAH
U+062Fد11011000 10101111hinzufügenدد ARABIC LETTER DAL
U+0630ذ11011000 10110000hinzufügenذذ ARABIC LETTER THAL
U+0631ر11011000 10110001hinzufügenرر ARABIC LETTER REH
U+0632ز11011000 10110010hinzufügenزز ARABIC LETTER ZAIN
U+0633س11011000 10110011hinzufügenسس ARABIC LETTER SEEN
U+0634ش11011000 10110100hinzufügenشش ARABIC LETTER SHEEN
U+0635ص11011000 10110101hinzufügenصص ARABIC LETTER SAD
U+0636ض11011000 10110110hinzufügenضض ARABIC LETTER DAD
U+0637ط11011000 10110111hinzufügenطط ARABIC LETTER TAH
U+0638ظ11011000 10111000hinzufügenظظ ARABIC LETTER ZAH
U+0639ع11011000 10111001hinzufügenعع ARABIC LETTER AIN
U+063Aغ11011000 10111010hinzufügenغغ ARABIC LETTER GHAIN
U+063Bػ11011000 10111011hinzufügenػػ ARABIC LETTER KEHEH WITH TWO DOTS ABOVE
U+063Cؼ11011000 10111100hinzufügenؼؼ ARABIC LETTER KEHEH WITH THREE DOTS BELOW
U+063Dؽ11011000 10111101hinzufügenؽؽ ARABIC LETTER FARSI YEH WITH INVERTED V
U+063Eؾ11011000 10111110hinzufügenؾؾ ARABIC LETTER FARSI YEH WITH TWO DOTS ABOVE
U+063Fؿ11011000 10111111hinzufügenؿؿ ARABIC LETTER FARSI YEH WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE
U+0640ـ11011001 10000000hinzufügenــ ARABIC TATWEEL
U+0641ف11011001 10000001hinzufügenفف ARABIC LETTER FEH
U+0642ق11011001 10000010hinzufügenقق ARABIC LETTER QAF
U+0643ك11011001 10000011hinzufügenكك ARABIC LETTER KAF
U+0644ل11011001 10000100hinzufügenلل ARABIC LETTER LAM
U+0645م11011001 10000101hinzufügenمم ARABIC LETTER MEEM
U+0646ن11011001 10000110hinzufügenنن ARABIC LETTER NOON
U+0647ه11011001 10000111hinzufügenهه ARABIC LETTER HEH
U+0648و11011001 10001000hinzufügenوو ARABIC LETTER WAW
U+0649ى11011001 10001001hinzufügenىى ARABIC LETTER ALEF MAKSURA
U+064Aي11011001 10001010hinzufügenيي ARABIC LETTER YEH
U+064Bً11011001 10001011hinzufügenًً ARABIC FATHATAN
U+064Cٌ11011001 10001100hinzufügenٌٌ ARABIC DAMMATAN
U+064Dٍ11011001 10001101hinzufügenٍٍ ARABIC KASRATAN
U+064Eَ11011001 10001110hinzufügenََ ARABIC FATHA
U+064Fُ11011001 10001111hinzufügenُُ ARABIC DAMMA
U+0650ِ11011001 10010000hinzufügenِِ ARABIC KASRA
U+0651ّ11011001 10010001hinzufügenّّ ARABIC SHADDA
U+0652ْ11011001 10010010hinzufügenْْ ARABIC SUKUN
U+0653ٓ11011001 10010011hinzufügenٓٓ ARABIC MADDAH ABOVE
U+0654ٔ11011001 10010100hinzufügenٔٔ ARABIC HAMZA ABOVE
U+0655ٕ11011001 10010101hinzufügenٕٕ ARABIC HAMZA BELOW
U+0656ٖ11011001 10010110hinzufügenٖٖ ARABIC SUBSCRIPT ALEF
U+0657ٗ11011001 10010111hinzufügenٗٗ ARABIC INVERTED DAMMA
U+0658٘11011001 10011000hinzufügen٘٘ ARABIC MARK NOON GHUNNA
U+0659ٙ11011001 10011001hinzufügenٙٙ ARABIC ZWARAKAY
U+065Aٚ11011001 10011010hinzufügenٚٚ ARABIC VOWEL SIGN SMALL V ABOVE
U+065Bٛ11011001 10011011hinzufügenٛٛ ARABIC VOWEL SIGN INVERTED SMALL V ABOVE
U+065Cٜ11011001 10011100hinzufügenٜٜ ARABIC VOWEL SIGN DOT BELOW
U+065Dٝ11011001 10011101hinzufügenٝٝ ARABIC REVERSED DAMMA
U+065Eٞ11011001 10011110hinzufügenٞٞ ARABIC FATHA WITH TWO DOTS
U+065Fٟ11011001 10011111hinzufügenٟٟ ARABIC WAVY HAMZA BELOW
U+0660٠11011001 10100000hinzufügen٠٠ ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO
U+0661١11011001 10100001hinzufügen١١ ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ONE
U+0662٢11011001 10100010hinzufügen٢٢ ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT TWO
U+0663٣11011001 10100011hinzufügen٣٣ ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT THREE
U+0664٤11011001 10100100hinzufügen٤٤ ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT FOUR
U+0665٥11011001 10100101hinzufügen٥٥ ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT FIVE
U+0666٦11011001 10100110hinzufügen٦٦ ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT SIX
U+0667٧11011001 10100111hinzufügen٧٧ ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT SEVEN
U+0668٨11011001 10101000hinzufügen٨٨ ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT EIGHT
U+0669٩11011001 10101001hinzufügen٩٩ ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT NINE
U+066A٪11011001 10101010hinzufügen٪٪ ARABIC PERCENT SIGN
U+066B٫11011001 10101011hinzufügen٫٫ ARABIC DECIMAL SEPARATOR
U+066C٬11011001 10101100hinzufügen٬٬ ARABIC THOUSANDS SEPARATOR
U+066D٭11011001 10101101hinzufügen٭٭ ARABIC FIVE POINTED STAR
U+066Eٮ11011001 10101110hinzufügenٮٮ ARABIC LETTER DOTLESS BEH
U+066Fٯ11011001 10101111hinzufügenٯٯ ARABIC LETTER DOTLESS QAF
U+0670ٰ11011001 10110000hinzufügenٰٰ ARABIC LETTER SUPERSCRIPT ALEF
U+0671ٱ11011001 10110001hinzufügenٱٱ ARABIC LETTER ALEF WASLA
U+0672ٲ11011001 10110010hinzufügenٲٲ ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH WAVY HAMZA ABOVE
U+0673ٳ11011001 10110011hinzufügenٳٳ ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH WAVY HAMZA BELOW
U+0674ٴ11011001 10110100hinzufügenٴٴ ARABIC LETTER HIGH HAMZA
U+0675ٵ11011001 10110101hinzufügenٵٵ ARABIC LETTER HIGH HAMZA ALEF
U+0676ٶ11011001 10110110hinzufügenٶٶ ARABIC LETTER HIGH HAMZA WAW
U+0677ٷ11011001 10110111hinzufügenٷٷ ARABIC LETTER U WITH HAMZA ABOVE
U+0678ٸ11011001 10111000hinzufügenٸٸ ARABIC LETTER HIGH HAMZA YEH
U+0679ٹ11011001 10111001hinzufügenٹٹ ARABIC LETTER TTEH
U+067Aٺ11011001 10111010hinzufügenٺٺ ARABIC LETTER TTEHEH
U+067Bٻ11011001 10111011hinzufügenٻٻ ARABIC LETTER BEEH
U+067Cټ11011001 10111100hinzufügenټټ ARABIC LETTER TEH WITH RING
U+067Eپ11011001 10111110hinzufügenپپ ARABIC LETTER PEH
U+067Fٿ11011001 10111111hinzufügenٿٿ ARABIC LETTER TEHEH
U+0680ڀ11011010 10000000hinzufügenڀڀ ARABIC LETTER BEHEH
U+0681ځ11011010 10000001hinzufügenځځ ARABIC LETTER HAH WITH HAMZA ABOVE
U+0682ڂ11011010 10000010hinzufügenڂڂ ARABIC LETTER HAH WITH TWO DOTS VERTICAL ABOVE
U+0683ڃ11011010 10000011hinzufügenڃڃ ARABIC LETTER NYEH
U+0684ڄ11011010 10000100hinzufügenڄڄ ARABIC LETTER DYEH
U+0685څ11011010 10000101hinzufügenڅڅ ARABIC LETTER HAH WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE
U+0686چ11011010 10000110hinzufügenچچ ARABIC LETTER TCHEH
U+0687ڇ11011010 10000111hinzufügenڇڇ ARABIC LETTER TCHEHEH
U+0688ڈ11011010 10001000hinzufügenڈڈ ARABIC LETTER DDAL
U+0689ډ11011010 10001001hinzufügenډډ ARABIC LETTER DAL WITH RING
U+068Aڊ11011010 10001010hinzufügenڊڊ ARABIC LETTER DAL WITH DOT BELOW
U+068Bڋ11011010 10001011hinzufügenڋڋ ARABIC LETTER DAL WITH DOT BELOW AND SMALL TAH
U+068Cڌ11011010 10001100hinzufügenڌڌ ARABIC LETTER DAHAL
U+068Dڍ11011010 10001101hinzufügenڍڍ ARABIC LETTER DDAHAL
U+068Eڎ11011010 10001110hinzufügenڎڎ ARABIC LETTER DUL
U+0690ڐ11011010 10010000hinzufügenڐڐ ARABIC LETTER DAL WITH FOUR DOTS ABOVE
U+0691ڑ11011010 10010001hinzufügenڑڑ ARABIC LETTER RREH
U+0692ڒ11011010 10010010hinzufügenڒڒ ARABIC LETTER REH WITH SMALL V
U+0693ړ11011010 10010011hinzufügenړړ ARABIC LETTER REH WITH RING
U+0694ڔ11011010 10010100hinzufügenڔڔ ARABIC LETTER REH WITH DOT BELOW
U+0695ڕ11011010 10010101hinzufügenڕڕ ARABIC LETTER REH WITH SMALL V BELOW
U+0696ږ11011010 10010110hinzufügenږږ ARABIC LETTER REH WITH DOT BELOW AND DOT ABOVE
U+0697ڗ11011010 10010111hinzufügenڗڗ ARABIC LETTER REH WITH TWO DOTS ABOVE
U+0698ژ11011010 10011000hinzufügenژژ ARABIC LETTER JEH
U+0699ڙ11011010 10011001hinzufügenڙڙ ARABIC LETTER REH WITH FOUR DOTS ABOVE
U+069Aښ11011010 10011010hinzufügenښښ ARABIC LETTER SEEN WITH DOT BELOW AND DOT ABOVE
U+069Bڛ11011010 10011011hinzufügenڛڛ ARABIC LETTER SEEN WITH THREE DOTS BELOW
U+069Dڝ11011010 10011101hinzufügenڝڝ ARABIC LETTER SAD WITH TWO DOTS BELOW
U+069Eڞ11011010 10011110hinzufügenڞڞ ARABIC LETTER SAD WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE
U+069Fڟ11011010 10011111hinzufügenڟڟ ARABIC LETTER TAH WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE
U+06A0ڠ11011010 10100000hinzufügenڠڠ ARABIC LETTER AIN WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE
U+06A1ڡ11011010 10100001hinzufügenڡڡ ARABIC LETTER DOTLESS FEH
U+06A2ڢ11011010 10100010hinzufügenڢڢ ARABIC LETTER FEH WITH DOT MOVED BELOW
U+06A3ڣ11011010 10100011hinzufügenڣڣ ARABIC LETTER FEH WITH DOT BELOW
U+06A4ڤ11011010 10100100hinzufügenڤڤ ARABIC LETTER VEH
U+06A5ڥ11011010 10100101hinzufügenڥڥ ARABIC LETTER FEH WITH THREE DOTS BELOW
U+06A6ڦ11011010 10100110hinzufügenڦڦ ARABIC LETTER PEHEH
U+06A7ڧ11011010 10100111hinzufügenڧڧ ARABIC LETTER QAF WITH DOT ABOVE
U+06A8ڨ11011010 10101000hinzufügenڨڨ ARABIC LETTER QAF WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE
U+06A9ک11011010 10101001hinzufügenکک ARABIC LETTER KEHEH
U+06AAڪ11011010 10101010hinzufügenڪڪ ARABIC LETTER SWASH KAF
U+06ABګ11011010 10101011hinzufügenګګ ARABIC LETTER KAF WITH RING
U+06ACڬ11011010 10101100hinzufügenڬڬ ARABIC LETTER KAF WITH DOT ABOVE
U+06ADڭ11011010 10101101hinzufügenڭڭ ARABIC LETTER NG
U+06AEڮ11011010 10101110hinzufügenڮڮ ARABIC LETTER KAF WITH THREE DOTS BELOW
U+06AFگ11011010 10101111hinzufügenگگ ARABIC LETTER GAF
U+06B0ڰ11011010 10110000hinzufügenڰڰ ARABIC LETTER GAF WITH RING
U+06B1ڱ11011010 10110001hinzufügenڱڱ ARABIC LETTER NGOEH
U+06B2ڲ11011010 10110010hinzufügenڲڲ ARABIC LETTER GAF WITH TWO DOTS BELOW
U+06B3ڳ11011010 10110011hinzufügenڳڳ ARABIC LETTER GUEH
U+06B4ڴ11011010 10110100hinzufügenڴڴ ARABIC LETTER GAF WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE
U+06B5ڵ11011010 10110101hinzufügenڵڵ ARABIC LETTER LAM WITH SMALL V
U+06B6ڶ11011010 10110110hinzufügenڶڶ ARABIC LETTER LAM WITH DOT ABOVE
U+06B7ڷ11011010 10110111hinzufügenڷڷ ARABIC LETTER LAM WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE
U+06B8ڸ11011010 10111000hinzufügenڸڸ ARABIC LETTER LAM WITH THREE DOTS BELOW
U+06B9ڹ11011010 10111001hinzufügenڹڹ ARABIC LETTER NOON WITH DOT BELOW
U+06BAں11011010 10111010hinzufügenںں ARABIC LETTER NOON GHUNNA
U+06BBڻ11011010 10111011hinzufügenڻڻ ARABIC LETTER RNOON
U+06BCڼ11011010 10111100hinzufügenڼڼ ARABIC LETTER NOON WITH RING
U+06BDڽ11011010 10111101hinzufügenڽڽ ARABIC LETTER NOON WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE
U+06BEھ11011010 10111110hinzufügenھھ ARABIC LETTER HEH DOACHASHMEE
U+06BFڿ11011010 10111111hinzufügenڿڿ ARABIC LETTER TCHEH WITH DOT ABOVE
U+06C0ۀ11011011 10000000hinzufügenۀۀ ARABIC LETTER HEH WITH YEH ABOVE
U+06C1ہ11011011 10000001hinzufügenہہ ARABIC LETTER HEH GOAL
U+06C2ۂ11011011 10000010hinzufügenۂۂ ARABIC LETTER HEH GOAL WITH HAMZA ABOVE
U+06C3ۃ11011011 10000011hinzufügenۃۃ ARABIC LETTER TEH MARBUTA GOAL
U+06C4ۄ11011011 10000100hinzufügenۄۄ ARABIC LETTER WAW WITH RING
U+06C5ۅ11011011 10000101hinzufügenۅۅ ARABIC LETTER KIRGHIZ OE
U+06C6ۆ11011011 10000110hinzufügenۆۆ ARABIC LETTER OE
U+06C7ۇ11011011 10000111hinzufügenۇۇ ARABIC LETTER U
U+06C8ۈ11011011 10001000hinzufügenۈۈ ARABIC LETTER YU
U+06C9ۉ11011011 10001001hinzufügenۉۉ ARABIC LETTER KIRGHIZ YU
U+06CAۊ11011011 10001010hinzufügenۊۊ ARABIC LETTER WAW WITH TWO DOTS ABOVE
U+06CBۋ11011011 10001011hinzufügenۋۋ ARABIC LETTER VE
U+06CCی11011011 10001100hinzufügenیی ARABIC LETTER FARSI YEH
U+06CDۍ11011011 10001101hinzufügenۍۍ ARABIC LETTER YEH WITH TAIL
U+06CEێ11011011 10001110hinzufügenێێ ARABIC LETTER YEH WITH SMALL V
U+06CFۏ11011011 10001111hinzufügenۏۏ ARABIC LETTER WAW WITH DOT ABOVE
U+06D0ې11011011 10010000hinzufügenېې ARABIC LETTER E
U+06D1ۑ11011011 10010001hinzufügenۑۑ ARABIC LETTER YEH WITH THREE DOTS BELOW
U+06D2ے11011011 10010010hinzufügenےے ARABIC LETTER YEH BARREE
U+06D3ۓ11011011 10010011hinzufügenۓۓ ARABIC LETTER YEH BARREE WITH HAMZA ABOVE
U+06D4۔11011011 10010100hinzufügen۔۔ ARABIC FULL STOP
U+06D5ە11011011 10010101hinzufügenەە ARABIC LETTER AE
U+06D8ۘ11011011 10011000hinzufügenۘۘ ARABIC SMALL HIGH MEEM INITIAL FORM
U+06D9ۙ11011011 10011001hinzufügenۙۙ ARABIC SMALL HIGH LAM ALEF
U+06DAۚ11011011 10011010hinzufügenۚۚ ARABIC SMALL HIGH JEEM
U+06DBۛ11011011 10011011hinzufügenۛۛ ARABIC SMALL HIGH THREE DOTS
U+06DCۜ11011011 10011100hinzufügenۜۜ ARABIC SMALL HIGH SEEN
U+06DD۝11011011 10011101hinzufügen۝۝ ARABIC END OF AYAH
U+06DE۞11011011 10011110hinzufügen۞۞ ARABIC START OF RUB EL HIZB
U+06DF۟11011011 10011111hinzufügen۟۟ ARABIC SMALL HIGH ROUNDED ZERO
U+06E0۠11011011 10100000hinzufügen۠۠ ARABIC SMALL HIGH UPRIGHT RECTANGULAR ZERO
U+06E1ۡ11011011 10100001hinzufügenۡۡ ARABIC SMALL HIGH DOTLESS HEAD OF KHAH
U+06E2ۢ11011011 10100010hinzufügenۢۢ ARABIC SMALL HIGH MEEM ISOLATED FORM
U+06E3ۣ11011011 10100011hinzufügenۣۣ ARABIC SMALL LOW SEEN
U+06E4ۤ11011011 10100100hinzufügenۤۤ ARABIC SMALL HIGH MADDA
U+06E5ۥ11011011 10100101hinzufügenۥۥ ARABIC SMALL WAW
U+06E6ۦ11011011 10100110hinzufügenۦۦ ARABIC SMALL YEH
U+06E7ۧ11011011 10100111hinzufügenۧۧ ARABIC SMALL HIGH YEH
U+06E8ۨ11011011 10101000hinzufügenۨۨ ARABIC SMALL HIGH NOON
U+06E9۩11011011 10101001hinzufügen۩۩ ARABIC PLACE OF SAJDAH
U+06EA۪11011011 10101010hinzufügen۪۪ ARABIC EMPTY CENTRE LOW STOP
U+06EB۫11011011 10101011hinzufügen۫۫ ARABIC EMPTY CENTRE HIGH STOP
U+06EC۬11011011 10101100hinzufügen۬۬ ARABIC ROUNDED HIGH STOP WITH FILLED CENTRE
U+06EDۭ11011011 10101101hinzufügenۭۭ ARABIC SMALL LOW MEEM
U+06EEۮ11011011 10101110hinzufügenۮۮ ARABIC LETTER DAL WITH INVERTED V
U+06EFۯ11011011 10101111hinzufügenۯۯ ARABIC LETTER REH WITH INVERTED V
U+06F0۰11011011 10110000hinzufügen۰۰ EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO
U+06F1۱11011011 10110001hinzufügen۱۱ EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ONE
U+06F2۲11011011 10110010hinzufügen۲۲ EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT TWO
U+06F3۳11011011 10110011hinzufügen۳۳ EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT THREE
U+06F4۴11011011 10110100hinzufügen۴۴ EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT FOUR
U+06F5۵11011011 10110101hinzufügen۵۵ EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT FIVE
U+06F6۶11011011 10110110hinzufügen۶۶ EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT SIX
U+06F7۷11011011 10110111hinzufügen۷۷ EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT SEVEN
U+06F8۸11011011 10111000hinzufügen۸۸ EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT EIGHT
U+06F9۹11011011 10111001hinzufügen۹۹ EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT NINE
U+06FAۺ11011011 10111010hinzufügenۺۺ ARABIC LETTER SHEEN WITH DOT BELOW
U+06FBۻ11011011 10111011hinzufügenۻۻ ARABIC LETTER DAD WITH DOT BELOW
U+06FCۼ11011011 10111100hinzufügenۼۼ ARABIC LETTER GHAIN WITH DOT BELOW
U+06FD۽11011011 10111101hinzufügen۽۽ ARABIC SIGN SINDHI AMPERSAND
U+06FE۾11011011 10111110hinzufügen۾۾ ARABIC SIGN SINDHI POSTPOSITION MEN
U+06FFۿ11011011 10111111hinzufügenۿۿ ARABIC LETTER HEH WITH INVERTED V